Native Plants for Rain Garden

By using native plants in your rain garden you are giving your plants the best chance to survive the wide range of weather conditions they will experience, from long droughts to large storms. Native plants also support the largest number of wildlife species, including birds, butterflies, and bees. Need more convincing on the value of native plants? This short video may do the trick. Remember, a rain garden is not a wetland, so you do not need to select only plants that need or loves moist soils. Most of the time, especially during a summer drought, your rain garden will be as dry as the rest of your gardens. You will want to select a mix of plants that can tolerate occasional floods but will survive a hot, dry week in July.

For more options, please consult the following sources: 

Penn State Extension
Three Rivers Rain Garden Alliance
The University of Connecticut plant database


The University of Connecticut runs a simple database that allows you to find plants that grow well in Pennsylvania and even lets you pick flower colors.

Pennsylvania Native Plant Society provides lists to where to find native plants in Pennsylvania. Many of the nurseries listed will ship to your home.

To buy plants in person, native plant nurseries in or near the CRC watersheds include:

Redbud Native Plant Nursery

Yellow Springs Farm

There are also native plant sales to benefit local non-profit organizations.
The Brandywine Conservancy holds a native plant sale every May in Chadds Ford.