Peter Wacey

Tree Planting Coordinator

Peter Wacey, CRC’s Tree Planting Coordinator, grew up near CRC’s offices, in Berwyn.  He first got interested in the environment through studying agriculture.  At University of Rhode Island, he had a double major in Sustainable Agriculture and Philosophy.  He is especially interested in agricology – agriculture eco systems that produce food and fuel but also benefit their ecosystems.  An example is planting native plants around fields – the native plants make good homes for native birds and insects, who then help take care of pests on the crops.

“I became more interested in local fields as I watched development in our area,” he says.

Working in landscaping and as a farmhand for several local farms, Peter has experience with planting, infrastructure maintenance and daily livestock chores.  He has moved chicken tractors, cattle and sheep through pasture in a rotational grazing system.  He has operated large farm equipment, baled hay and even ran a farmer’s market stand.

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Peter heard about CRC from Interim Executive Director Ted Leisenring, for whom he has worked for on Ted’s farm.

“I want to make a difference in our drinking water and improving the watersheds’ ecosystem,” he says. “Anyone can recognize it’s an important thing to do.”


Peter played bass in a rock bank during college and enjoys soccer.